Organic Garden

slider-natural-organic-preschoolOur organic garden is as lovely as it is practical, with giant sunflowers, cosmos, marigolds, zinnias and calendula, and our herbs – basil, oregano, thyme, and tarragon, and rosemary bushes. From starting kale seedlings in winter to harvesting pumpkins in the fall, the children experience the full spectrum of growing their own food. They dig the dirt, pull the weeds, and water the plants each day as they watch them grow.

Official gardening begins in February when the children help to start the first seedling indoors. Peas, kale, and spinach, are transplanted before the last frost. The children plant peas around a teepee. Later, as the weather warms, the children plant seeds for lettuce, carrots and onions and direct seed carrots, and onions, and plant potatoes. The children hunt our strawberry patch for the tiny, dark red, delicious gems amidst thick green leaves. Soon blueberries are ripening followed by red and black raspberries. When we return in September, we plant a fall crop of kale and spinach. The children dig for potatoes and harvest squash and gourds.